Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Project Gutenberg eBook titles

Project Gutenberg is a selection of free eBooks containing more than 30,000 titles that are available in the public domain, allowing free download access to anyone in the United States with an eReader or computer. The library website has a link in the left column to the Gutenberg titles currently being offered. The titles are always available for immediate download and are compatible with any EPUB software.

Most titles in the Gutenberg collection are free of copyrights in the United States, meaning they can not only be downloaded for reading, they can also be used for distribution, recreation and adaptation. Teachers can print and distribute excerpts for their classes; artists can perform the works in front of an audience; and titles can be transferred to audio or other formats. Each title provides licensing information when it is downloaded, so be sure to check the rights prior to utilizing the books for commercial benefit.

Titles include many of the classics by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens as well as the Bible and Aesop's Fables.

Friday, August 26, 2011

RSA Catalog Features

Are you familiar with the library's online catalog, RSAcat? It’s available through the library’s website and allows you to search for books and other materials not only at the Lillie M. Evans Library, but at over 180 other libraries in our region. You can search by author, title, keyword, and subject but there are lots of additional ways you can find what you need. You can limit materials to item type (i.e. book, DVD, or audio) or location (at LME Library or other libraries).

You can also place items on hold, make lists, and send texts to your cell phone. In addition to placing holds, you can books and check your account. You will need your library card number and PIN—please contact the library (385-4540) if you need this information.

Wondering what’s new at the library? The right column of RSAcat (under Library Information) has links to LME Library’s new books, new videos and more! There’s also links at the bottom of the screen to recommended reading and bestseller lists.

If you want to get started, visit the Library’s website at http://lmelibrary.org and click on the RSAcat icon in the left column. These convenience features let you access information easily right on the computer, but as usual, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 385-4540 or lill@lmelibrary.org.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Upcoming Movies with Book tie-ins

The EarlyWord blog has a nice feature on some of the upcoming fall movies based on books. This includes the first part of Breaking Dawn (Stephanie Meyer), a sequel to Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conrad Doyle), and I Don't Know How She Does It (Allison Pearson). It's surprising how many blockbusters are based on popular novels!