Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions & Goals

Like many people, I usually make some New Year’s resolutions as well as set some professional goals every year. If you are still thinking about what goals you would like to set this year¸ here’re some tips to help you succeed:

1. Write your goals down. If you want to be successful at achieving something, write it down and post it somewhere you can see it every day. Your list will help you stay on task and bring your thoughts to action.

2. Reach high—set goals that will make you stretch and grow.

3. Prioritize your goals. What are the most important? This helps you focus your energy.

4. Use a website like to get feedback. just added a resolution list to make it easy to set your goals for the year!

5. Celebrate your successes. Once you’ve accomplished something, don’t forget to celebrate when you reach your goal!

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