Looking for help with writing a novel?
There are some materials in the Lillie M. Evans Library that can help! We have books by several famous authors that
give some insights on their writing styles. One of my favorites, Janet Evanovich, has one
called How I Write: Secrets of a Bestselling Author. Anne Lamott has written Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life and Stephen King’s book is simply called On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. In addition to these,
we also have Writer’s Market, MLA Handbook and Modern Library’s Writer’s Workshop. For other titles in our collection, click on the link below:
Also, below are links to some helpful websites:
100 Useful Web Tools for Writers
Amazon’s Self Publishing
Barnes & Noble’s Self Publishing
CrimeSpace: A place for Readers and Writers of Crime Fiction to Meet
| http://crimespace.ning.com/ |
Grammar Girl: Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
National Novel Writing Month
Writers Write: Your One-Stop Resource for Information about Books,
Writing & Publishing