is Try-It Illinois? Try-It! Illinois offers the staffs and library users of the more
than 5,000 Illinois libraries the opportunity to survey and evaluate a wide
variety of electronic resources.
What kind of
information can I find with Try-It Illinois?
There are
a wide variety of databases available in Try-It Illinois. For example, databases are available on
investments (ValueLine), car repair (Auto Repair Reference Center), career
advice (Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center), genealogy (My Heritage Library
Edition), as well as more general resources.
Does it cost
anything to try? Thanks to the partnerships between the Illinois State
Library and the participating electronic resource vendors, there is no charge
for accessing these databases during Try-It!
How do I search? You can search Try-It Illinois by product,
company, subject or library type.
Illinois is available at the Lillie M. Evans Library until November 30,
2016. Please ask at the desk for the
login and password or if you need any assistance.