Friday, December 17, 2010
Ebook Readers and more!
In addition, the Lillie M. Evans Library participates in the Alliance Digital Media Library (ADML). This service, powered by OverDrive, is free with your library card. You can browse the collection, check out with your library card, and download to PC, Mac®, and many mobile devices. Titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period.
To get started downloading audiobooks and ebooks, visit Lillie M. Evans Library users can find best-selling audiobooks and ebooks available 24/7. You also can print off this eBook Devices Cheat Sheet for Library Users or use the complete Supported Audio Devices link on the ADML site.
Just this month, OverDrive released updates of apps for iPhone and Android, which adds support for eBooks from OverDrive libraries. Patrons will be able to download both EPUB eBooks and MP3 audiobooks directly to their iPhone, iPod touch, or Android phone/tablet. New users can search for “OverDrive Media Console” in the Apple App Store at and Android Market at
With hundreds of popular fiction and non-fiction titles to choose from, the ADML collection is guaranteed to have something for everyone. You can download best-selling novels, well-known classics, self-improvement guides, and much more. Go ahead—try it out!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Online Storytime Resources
Barnes & Nobles also has an online story library. This month listen to author Chris Van Allsburg reading The Polar Express book. Other stories are available through by visiting and clicking on ONLINE STORYTIME
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Library Survey - December 2010
Thank you very much for participating in our survey!
Friday, November 19, 2010
E-Pay Option
Thursday, November 11, 2010
50 Ways to Use Your Library
1. Enjoy a good mystery.
2. Reserve a book.
3. Locate a friend in an online phone book.
4. Prepare for your job interview.
5. Pick up a book on CD and listen to it in your car as you drive home.
6. Read a large-type book without wearing your glasses.
7. Check out a Grammy winning CD.
8. Spruce up the house with the latest books on interior design.
9. Download an ebook or audio book from the Alliance Digital Media Library.
10. Use the computers to research a quote on how a stock did today.
11. Learn how to plan a drought resistant garden.
12. Trek to another planet in a Sci-Fi novel.
13. Find out where to send a consumer complaint.
14. Learn how to clean ink stains from a marble counter.
15. Call the Library to find out who said "To err is human, to forgive divine."
16. Decide which Digital Camera to buy with the help of consumer guides.
17. Borrow a playaway that teaches you how to speak Spanish.
18. Take home Bach, Beethoven and Brahms.
19. Entertain your preschooler with a book and a read-along CDs.
20. Let the children choose an armload of read-aloud stories.
21. Ask for information about how to start a business.
22. Get tax forms and tax filing information.
23. Get a list of materials that help gain reading skills.
24. Post a comment on LME’s facebook page.
25. Make a photocopy.
26. Get an book from a library in another city-it's done quickly by computer.
27. Enroll in a library program—we’ll be making ornaments and boxes soon!
28. Ask a staff member to give a talk to your service organization.
29. For a leaky faucet, you might look up a book on how to do your own plumbing.
30. Read all the latest issues of the popular magazines without spending a dime.
31. Send a fax.
32. Find a recipe for new Christmas cookies!
33. Play a game of chess.
34. Sit in the rocking chair and read to a toddler.
35. Sign your preschooler up for Storytime.
36. Relax in the Turner Room.
37. Learn more about your community and its history.
38. Read the paper.
39. Use the online database, NoveList to find a new author.
40. Join a library book club.
41. Sit on a bench in the garden at twilight.
42. Visit with your neighbors.
43. Learn about a new hobby.
44. Check out the facts about the latest diet craze.
45. Do your homework.
46. Tutor someone.
47. Watch a movie.
48. Find out community news from the bulletin board.
49. Set up an email account and email a friend.
50. Become more knowledgeable about something.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Long-Range Planning for the Library
Three major roles were seen for the library: 1) Providing the community with information on Current Topics and Events, 2) Supporting Life-long Learning for our community, 3) Providing a Commons, an area where the community can gather for information, recreation, and socialization. The goals and objectives that were created have directed many library decisions regarding services and programs, providing current technology resources, and creating an inviting atmosphere that encourages public gathering and interaction. As we move to the future, there are endless possibilities for ways that your library can provide for the needs and desires of the people who live here.
“Excellence must be defined locally—it results when library services match community, needs, interests, and priorities.” (Sandra Nelson, New Planning for Results)
Throughout November and December, the Lillie M. Evans Library District invites you to participate in the long-range planning process for your library. We are looking for input from the community as we evaluate new possibilities and develop a three year plan for our wonderful facility and staff. Some of you have been asked to attend a focus group and others will be asked to complete a survey. Community input is essential in the planning process and we appreciate the support of both our users and non-users. Superior library service doesn’t just happen. To achieve excellence, you need a plan. The Board of Trustees is committed to developing a long-range plan with a series of objectives that support the vision that our community has presented. In the spring, the Board will be sharing this long-range plan with you as we continue to seek new and better ways to serve our community.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Message from the library director

Many of you have already stopped by the library to say “hello” but on November 3rd, the Board of Trustees will be hosting an Open House from 3-6pm. Please come by for a visit. I am also available at the library during most weekdays if you would like to speak with me.
My plan with the Garden Bench Blog is to discuss topics and resources relevant to public libraries and our community. I will be posting each week, so I hope that you visit the Garden Bench often…
Friday, June 18, 2010
Preparing for Summer Storms
The storms last weekend reminded us all of the power and severity our summer weather can bring. Tornado warnings and flash floods can cause serious damage to our homes and businesses. There are some things we can do to be prepared for emergencies. Most of us wait too late to think about preparations we could make. According to AmerenCILCO, here are some items you can gather now to help prepare your family for any emergency, at any time:
- Emergency phone numbers-doctors, etc.
- Flashlights and fresh batteries
- Extra keys for your home and car
- Battery powered radio and clock
- Supply of bottled water (one gallon per person per day)
- Non-perishable foods that don’t require heating
- Blankets, bedding or sleeping bags
- First-Aid kits and medications
- Hand operated can opener
- Special items for infants, the elderly or family members with special needs
- Hand tools, such as a screwdriver, scissors, duct tape, plastic utensils, paper plates, waterproof matches, and household bleach
- Identification and copies of prescriptions and important papers
- Extra cash, since an extended electrical storm might prevent you from withdrawing money from automatic teller machines or banks.
If bad weather is on the way, you can take these additional steps:
- Turn off and unplug any unnecessary electrical equipment-especially sensitive electronics
- Turn you refrigerator to its coldest setting and leave the door closed (don’t forget to turn the setting back when the storm is over!)
- Place those important documents in a waterproof storage container.
- Fill your vehicle’s gas tank
- Bring lawn furniture or other lightweight objects inside
- Don’t forget your pet! Have clean food, water, collar and leash and a pet carrier handy.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sorry State of Affairs
- We will not stop delivering the very best service we can give you.
- We will continue to supply books, DVDs, audio books, databases, programs, and our great website that provides day or night connection to our library. Our libraries will still cooperate with each other to provide materials to you.
- Delivery and our automated catalog are not affected at this time.
- Our current staff will remain to serve you.
What we will no longer have access to without the system:
- Consulting services available when we need it, blogs, notices, the system’s excellent consulting staff.
- The opportunities for getting together and partnering with other libraries in an organized setting to work on grants and other projects.
- Continuing Education opportunities. The library resources and the needs of the community are constantly changing. The library system provided countless opportunities for improved skills through workshops, seminars, webinars, and training classes. Most of them were offered at no cost to either participants or to their library.
- Group purchases. The system gave us cost breaks by negotiating better prices for the group. There are price breaks that can be very significant to our budget.
The library was one of the founding libraries of our system when Princeville joined with six other libraries to form the Illinois Valley Film Cooperative. That later became the basis for the Illinois Valley Library System when the legislature passed the Illinois Library System Act in 1964. In 1994, four systems combined to create the Alliance Library System which served over 250 libraries in west central Illinois.
It is a very sad day to see a successful method of supporting local libraries that took over 40 years to establish come to such an end.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Our displays change frequently so you can see something new featured very often. We measure the success of our displays by how many books are checked out from our displays. We love having to add books! Come in today and check out something to “check out”!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Get Fit & Stay Active @ Your Library!

Every Monday & Friday morning at 9:15 am we have an adult yoga class. Participants stretch and workout to "Yoga for the Rest of Us."
In addition to our exercise class the library also offers several yoga, aerobic, cardio and fitness VHS and DVDs to checkout for free. If you are looking for something specific, simply ask one of our staff members and we will see if we can borrow it from another library for you.
Are you in the mood to try a new diet? We have a wide variety of diet books including diets for specific health conditions such as diabetes, pregnancy and heart disease. Eat your way to a better you!
Our staff is here to help you. If you need a book, video or movie on fitness, dieting or general health let us help you find the perfect item for you. The library can be an invaluable resource when it comes to your health and fitness.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Go Green @ Your Library!

To get your email address added to your library account, or those of your children, please fill out the registration form on our website (choose "Go Green @ Your Library" from the Event section), call us at 309-385-4540 or talk to someone at our service desk during your next visit. Please do not post your email in a comment to our blog for your privacy & security.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Digital Books have Arrived!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Check Out Audio & More 24 Hours a Day!
For those who may need help using this service there is an easy to use help section. Our staff has also been trained to use this service and will do their best to answer any questions you may have.
You never know when the craving to hear the new James Patterson novel is going to hit!