Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Our top reads from 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Computer buying information
- Consumer Reports always does a great job outlining key areas, highlighting features and providing ratings. I especially like the section on computer feature considerations. If you are in the library, our copy of Computer Reports is with our other magazine subscriptions.
- My alma mater, Illinois State, has an online computer guide with great advice. Trying to decide to purchase a laptop or desktop or need advice on PC or Mac? There are short articles available. The are also minimum recommended specs and departmental recommendations.
- Kim Komando of the nationally syndicated Kim Komando Show has a website with information on a variety of computer buying topics. Area covered range from buying a budget PC to high-performance desktops.
- Finally, the C/net 2011 holiday buying guide has a section for buying desktops, laptops and notebooks. It has a helpful feature that allows consumer to answer some basic questions to receive recommendations on desktop and laptop computer choices.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Libri Foundation grant for children's books
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Holiday Homecoming Special!!!

Players can earn a 1 lb advantage for attending our health & fitness classes (maximum 2 lbs advantage per week). We will also have yoga, Zumba and Workout Wednesdays to get you moving!
There will be prizes awarded to the weekly winners as well as a $50 Visa giftcard being awarded to the overall Biggest Loser on March 1, 2012!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
LME Library to participate in the Holiday Homecoming Celebration

During Princeville’s Holiday Homecoming Celebration, the Lillie M. Evans Library will kick off its Foods-4-Fines program. From November 28th thru December 23rd, you may bring in nonperishable foods items. For each item donated, the library will forgive $1 of your fines. Did you find a library item that’s been missing for months? Bring it in and each item will only be a maximum of $5 in fines and eligible for Food-4-Fines amnesty! Don’t have any fines? No problem—we will still be happy to accept your donations! All donations will go to the local food pantry to benefit those in need. Note: Fines will not be removed from unreturned items or items returned damaged.
Santa letters can also be dropped off at LME Library starting on November 28. Santa’s mailbox will be out with our other holiday decorations, and children may drop in their letters to Santa. Letters with return addresses will be answered by Santa, so be sure to include them on your letters!
In addition, the LME Library will also have extended hours (5-8pm) during the late night shopping on December 1st. Kirby will be in the library for free face painting, and we will host a variety of “Minute-To-Win-It” type games. Chase away the cold by competing in the rabid reindeer game, dancing to the wii, or eating cookies in the cookie face game. The Friends of the Library will also be holding their annual raffle so be sure to stop by the LME Library!
Friday, November 4, 2011
LME Library Computer Classes start Nov 21st!
Ready to learn how to get on the Internet, open an e-mail account, or explore Facebook? Need help writing a letter in Microsoft Word or curious about the new e-readers? The Lillie M. Evans Library District is hosting a series of free computer classes at the library during November and December. Sign up for a class today by calling the library at 385-4540 or emailing us at
- Computer Basics Mon, Nov 21st (For the very beginner—develop some mouse skills and learn some basic vocabulary for computers)
- Web Searching, Wed, Nov 30th (Become familiar with Internet browsers, search engines, and some of the best web sites as well as searching tips)
- E-reader basics/e-book sites Mon, Dec 5th (Try some of the e-readers and learn about sources for e-books—several which are free!)
- Word Basics Wed, Dec 14th (Covers cut, paste, margins, paper orientation, bullets and other basic of MS Word)
- E-Mail Basics Mon, Dec 19th (Set up an email account and learn about e-mail etiquette)
- Using Facebook Wed, Dec 28th (Registering, privacy, friends, and pictures will be discussed)
All classes are from 5:30-6:30pm and will be held in the library meeting room. Registration is required to reserve your spot!
Friday, October 28, 2011
LME Library Trivia Night Champions
On Thursday, October 27, the second annual P-Town Showdown was hosted at the Lillie M. Evans Library in Princeville. Last year, retired director, Joanne Cox, organized the first contest and its success prompted a repeat of the Showdown.
Sheriff Rich Thole was the master of the evening’s events. The four teams vying for the P-Town Showdown Championship arrived on schedule and the Library Director, Beth Duttlinger, serving as Conductor welcomed the players. Deputy Ruthie Whitledge and Judges Anita Routh and Beauford Potter rounded out the officials. Sheriff Thole reviewed the procedures before quickly launching into round one.
The trivia competition consisted of 5 rounds with 10 questions in each round.Questions were from 10 different categories and each team had 8 minutes to answer the questions.As each round was completed, the answer sheets were collected and graded before the round leaders were announced. The leading team was presented with a balloon bouquet that was passed at each round while the lowest scorer displayed the black rose.
The judges kept us entertained throughout the evening by strutting and dancing to “Here Comes the Judge”. Sheriff Thole and Deputy Ruthie did an amazing job controlling the rowdy crowd which included several notorious “gangs” such as the Titans of Trivia, the Princeville Pistols, the Trebekkies, and Senders Slingers.
After completing all 5 rounds, the Trebekkies emerged as the 2011 P-Town Showdown Champions and received cork trivets from Moonlight Engraving. The certificate for Best Costumes was also awarded to the Trebekkies. The Best Table Decorations certificate went to the Titans of Trivia. This and other library activities can be found on the LME Library website at
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Lincoln Exhibition coming to Princeville in 2014
Recently, the Lillie M. Evans Library District and the Princeville Heritage Museum partnered to write a grant for the traveling exhibition “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War.” We are pleased to announce that Princeville is one of the two hundred sites selected to host the exhibit. However, the exhibit won’t be here until spring 2014, so mark your calendars!
Funding for the exhibition and tour is provided by a major grant from NEH. Each site will receive a $750 grant from NEH to support expenses related to exhibition programming. Participating institutions will present at least two free public programs featuring a lecture or discussion by a qualified scholar on exhibition themes. All showings of the exhibition will be free and open to the public. This grant is provided by American Library Association (ALA), in partnership with the National Constitution Center (NCC) and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
More information can be found through the press release dated 10/11/11: ALA, NEH announce 200 site tour for “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War” traveling exhibition. Watch for information about the Princeville exhibit and programs in the fall of 2013.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
P-Town Showdown rescheduled for October 27th

Join us for a fun night of trivia on October 27th @6:30 pm at
the Lillie M. Evans Library.
Choose your 4-6 player team of friends, family & colleagues, ages 13-113.
Doors open at 6:00 pm. Teams must be ready to go at 6:15; contest begins promptly at 6:30 pm.
Space is limited to only 8 teams so register early! Captains can register their team at the library or online at! You must have at least 4 team members in order to lock in your registration.
Can you round up the best team to win? We need a minimum of 4 teams to host this event so sign up now!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
ebooks for Kindle @ the library!
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is the nation's premier research collection for open-source resources related to homeland security policy, strategy and organizational management. They have been commemorating the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 through a series of blog posts. This week post highlights some of the memorials and observances for the ten year anniversary and it can be found at
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Project Gutenberg eBook titles
Most titles in the Gutenberg collection are free of copyrights in the United States, meaning they can not only be downloaded for reading, they can also be used for distribution, recreation and adaptation. Teachers can print and distribute excerpts for their classes; artists can perform the works in front of an audience; and titles can be transferred to audio or other formats. Each title provides licensing information when it is downloaded, so be sure to check the rights prior to utilizing the books for commercial benefit.
Titles include many of the classics by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens as well as the Bible and Aesop's Fables.
Friday, August 26, 2011
RSA Catalog Features
Are you familiar with the library's online catalog, RSAcat? It’s available through the library’s website and allows you to search for books and other materials not only at the Lillie M. Evans Library, but at over 180 other libraries in our region. You can search by author, title, keyword, and subject but there are lots of additional ways you can find what you need. You can limit materials to item type (i.e. book, DVD, or audio) or location (at LME Library or other libraries).
You can also place items on hold, make lists, and send texts to your cell phone. In addition to placing holds, you can books and check your account. You will need your library card number and PIN—please contact the library (385-4540) if you need this information.
Wondering what’s new at the library? The right column of RSAcat (under Library Information) has links to LME Library’s new books, new videos and more! There’s also links at the bottom of the screen to recommended reading and bestseller lists.
If you want to get started, visit the Library’s website at and click on the RSAcat icon in the left column. These convenience features let you access information easily right on the computer, but as usual, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 385-4540 or
Friday, August 5, 2011
Upcoming Movies with Book tie-ins
Thursday, July 14, 2011
5 Ways to Use Your Library
2. Tired of making the same old dinners every night? Planning a party and need recipe ideas? Check out our cookbook collection and see what you can whip up!
3. Are you considering a vacation? Check out our travel section for ideas and start planning that trip?
4. Sign up for our free quarterly newsletter online and keep up with all the programs and information available at your library.
5. Did you know we have more than books? We also have movies, music CDs, magazines, audio books as well as e-books (electronic books), online audio selections, and subscriptions to several databases. Think about stopping in for a movie or a magazine to pass the time. For e-books and downloadable audio books, visit ADML (Alliance Digital Media Library) at We also offer copy and fax services and free WiFi.
There are lots of ways your LME Library can help make you life easier—stop by or visit us online at
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Laptop & phone batteries
This article answered the question I've been wondering about for quite some time--how can I maximize the rechargeable battery life on my equipment? This article gives clear advice and techniques everyone can do to get the most use from their batteries.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wrap up to Long Range Planning
The Staff and Board of the Lillie M. Evans Library District have analyzed the information collected and have developed a long range plan for FY2012-2014. Three goals have been identified for each year of the plan. In addition, the library’s mission statement has been revised to more accurately reflect the role we play in the community. The goals and mission document is now available online.
Thank you to all who participated. Your input has helped us concentrate on the best materials, programs, and services for our community!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Biggest Loser Results 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011
Find-A-Book/2011 iREAD Summer Reading Program
"Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White is proud to join Governor Pat Quinn and Christopher Koch, Superintendent of the Illinois State Board of Education, in encouraging parents and librarians to check out an important website aimed at keeping children reading during the upcoming summer months when school is not in session.
The Find-a-Book website,, has quick and easy access to a list of books that will match a child’s reading level and interests, as well as the nearest libraries carrying each title.
The Find-a-Book site uses a student’s reading score in Lexiles, a measure of reading ability and text difficulty derived from state standardized tests, including the ISAT. The website also features a search option to access appropriate book choices based on grade level and comfort with typical reading materials at that grade level.
Research has shown the powerful impact of continued reading. One review of the impact of summer reading found that children can lose up to 60 percent of their skills during a two-month vacation. Children who read during the summer months, however, can sustain their reading gains and are better prepared for learning when the school bell rings again in the fall.
Secretary White also encourages parents to talk with children about the fun and importance of summer reading and take them to the local public library. Librarians have information about Lexiles and other programs such as the iREAD program, a summer reading program offered through the Illinois Library Association (ILA)."
The 2011 iREAD Summer Reading Program theme is “A Midsummer Knight's Read.” Check the Lillie M. Evans Library website at for information on local programs and a calendar of events.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Snapshot Day - April 13th Results
Comments we received on Snapshot Day included:
“I love this library! Staff is great, friendly and helpful. Love to listen to books. Princeville is lucky to have a great library!”
“Today I asked what the inside part of a flower is. They helped me right away and I want to thank them.”
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Kindle readers soon to be compatible with ADML
We’ll keep readers posted about when this access will be available. More information can be found at
Friday, April 8, 2011
Celebrate National Library Week April 10-16
As part of National Library Week, the Lillie M. Evans Library District will be participating in Illinois Snapshot Day on Wednesday, April 13. We hope our loyal patrons will stop by and be a part of this historic day. Libraries around Illinois will be collecting and compiling information, comments, and photographs from events in a typical library day. The results can not only provide indisputable proof that libraries consistently provide invaluable services, but they also can be an important tool in crafting the story of local libraries in the 21st century, and in educating decision makers at the federal, state, and local level of our value to the community.
Enjoy your week, and we hope to see you on Wednesday!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
April 2nd-9th is National Money Smart Week
During Money Smart Week 2011, the Lillie M. Evans library has designed activities to help consumers better manage their personal finances. Stop by the library for programs and resources that will help you be money $mart!
Tuesday, April 5th 11am-noon “Budgeting Basics” Learn more about money and how to manage it.
Wednesday, April 6th 2-3pm for 3rd-12th graders “It’s Not Too Early to be Money $mart” Introduction for kids on developing money $mart habits
Thursday, April 7th 10-11am “Investing for your Future” with Brian Card from the Princeville State Bank Covers the basics of investing your money
In addition, other money $mart resources include:
Financial education resources from the Illinois State Treasurer
Practical Money Skills for Life has some great financial games for kids at
Federal website dedicated to helping Americans reach their personal financial goals
Thursday, March 24, 2011 - New Government Consumer Product Safety Database
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently launched the database. Consumers are encouraged to visit to submit Reports of harm or risks of harm, and to search for safety information on products they own or may be considering buying.
Reporting product safety incidents through this new, easy-to-use site will help CPSC identify product hazards quicker and provide consumers with safety information on products in and around the home.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC's work to ensure the safety of consumer products - such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals - contributed significantly to the decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 30 years.
Following procedures set up by the law, CPSC will review all online Reports and have five business days to transmit qualifying Reports to the manufacturer, where practicable. Manufacturers then have 10 business days during which they may respond and provide comments and/or claims. At the end of the 10 day period, if all requirements are met, the Report and the manufacturer’s comments will be posted on
It is important that consumers provide CPSC with information that is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge. Reports lacking required information will not be published. Similarly, information in a report of harm determined to be materially inaccurate within the 10 days provided to manufacturers to respond will not be published. Reports that potentially contain confidential information will have such information taken out before the report is posted.
Reports received today will be visible and searchable by consumers around the beginning of April. Until then, only CPSC’s recall information will be searchable within the database. For more information, go to
Thursday, March 17, 2011
What’s all this about HarperCollins?
Why are librarians protesting?
Popular print titles of HarperCollins books usually circulate for many more that 26 times. If you are wondering what a book looks like if it circulates more than 26 times, Pioneer Library System has done this YouTube video called What 26 Checkouts Look Like. Librarians also have concerns about the work processes associated with the 26 circ limit. Currently, librarians have to search, download or create bibliographic records and then attach item information in the library catalog. If this process has to take place multiple times, it will cost libraries more to manage materials. Finally, libraries already pay yearly leasing fees to vendors like OverDrive to manage and access library e-book collections. If we have to pay yearly fees to publishers also, the cost of e-book collections becomes infeasible for many libraries.
There are several misconceptions that have surfaced lately in regard to this controversy. Here are some of them:
Misconception #1—Libraries get books for free. Libraries do not get books, newspapers, magazines, databases, etc for free; we pay for them. Some book jobbers give libraries a discount because of the volume of materials purchased, but libraries pay of materials just like everyone else.
Misconception #2—electronic items are available for unlimited use. Libraries purchase e-books as individual copies and e-books circulate in a similar way as print books. They are available to one user at a time and circulate from a seven-day to 21-day period. After the designated checkout period, the e-book automatically expires from the borrower’s account and is once again available to be borrowed by another user. Just like print books, e-books can also be returned early and holds can be placed on the available copies (if more than one e-book copy has been purchased by the library or libraries).
Misconception #3—e-books have no downsides for libraries. E-books have some great qualities, but there are downsides as well. E-books can only be read on electronic devices and the majority of library patrons do not own devices in which to read e-books. E-books are still a relatively new format and libraries are struggling to add the e-book format and readers to their collections. Also many libraries dispose of their unread books through used-book sales, a source of revenue that unread e-books can’t provide.
What’s that got to do with our library?
Lillie M. Evans Library District is part of ADML—the Alliance Digital Media Library, a consortium of libraries which provide e-books and digital audio books to their patrons. In early March 2011, the libraries voted to boycott the all publications of HarperCollins and subsidiaries in e-book format. This means that e-books from HarperCollins will no longer be purchased and available in ADML. The majority of these libraries have also stated that they will be boycotting the print editions as well. This will impact the availability of the HarperCollins print titles in the Resource Sharing Alliance Collection as well.
I think that Barbara Fister very eloquently sums up the core issue in her Inside Higher Ed blog: “But what really dismays me is this: publishers believe that libraries are not good for business, that sharing is a bug, that book culture would survive if everyone had to pay for everything they read. This is short-sighted madness….But here's the deal: Without access to books, lots of books, readers can't develop and grow their own canon of taste for books. Without libraries, books would become luxury goods for a small and dwindling minority of readers. Without libraries, writers would have a much harder time reaching readers and developing a following. Libraries are in communities of every size and are located in neighborhoods where there are no bookstores, because librarians know that readers are tenacious and can grow in thin soil. Not only will libraries buy books for every reader, those readers become book buyers. Publishers seem to be ignorant of these facts.”
So before dismissing the HarperCollins controversy as an overreaction by a bunch of librarians, think about the big picture. Librarians are concerned with ownership, copyright issues, rising costs of library services and materials, and the right to keep library book selection choices under control of the library. This controversy affects core public library functions which may not be apparent at first glance.
More information can be found through the following news articles:
New York Times Publisher Limits Shelf Life for Library E-Books
USA Today Librarians lunch boycott in battle over e-books
and the following library resources:
American Library Association
Free Range Librarian
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
LME Biggest Loser
If you haven't registered yet you can still join. Simply stop by the library between 10a-8p Mondays for your first weigh-in and pickup a player packet. There are lots of opportunities to attend programs and workout session. The March activities are included on our online printable library calendar.
Don't forget, we have fitness classes FIVE DAYS A WEEK!
Yoga - Monday & Friday @ 9:15am
Zumba - Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:15pm
Workout Wednesday @ 5pm ** (We start with basic stretching and warm-ups then workout with a fitness DVD. There's a new workout each week and it's a great way to try out a new routine or get some variety to your workouts.)
** Get a 1 lb. bonus at your next weigh-in for participating in a Workout Wednesday!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
NIH SeniorHealth
This easy-to-use website features basic health and wellness information for older adults from one of my favorite sources, the National Institutes of Health. It includes a free, easy-to-use toolkit with training materials to help older adults find reliable, up-to-date online health information on their own. But what I really like are the buttons at the top of each page. With the click of a mouse, users can make the text bigger, change text color, or hear the text read aloud. How cool is that!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Cancelled P-Town Showdown 2/24/11
We are considering rescheduling the Showdown on a Friday evening (either March 18th or April 8th). If anyone is interested and would like to register a team, please contact me ( with your date preference.
I understand that this event was well received last year, and participants enjoyed the program. I hope that we can still recruit enough teams to continue this entertaining event.
Friday, February 18, 2011
iphone & ipad users - new app v 2.2
More information can be found at:
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Illinois Veterans History Project
For more information, please visit the Veterans History Project information on Illinois State Library website at:
Monday, February 7, 2011
Long Range Planning Update
The planning process is “on schedule”, and the Board and Staff are reviewing the data. As we seek new and better ways to serve our community, we will continue to share our progress.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Library closed February 2, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
LME book groups
Next up for “Talk About a Good Book” is the Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan on Monday, January 31 at 6:30pm. The discussion sheet for Omnivore’s Dilemma is available online or at the library circulation desk.
The teen group is called Book Addicts Anonymous or BAA and meets monthly during the school year. BAA books and dates are usually listed on the teenspace blog at
If you love to read and talk about books, visit the blogs for more information, or better yet, join one of our book groups!
Friday, January 14, 2011
New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
1. Write your goals down. If you want to be successful at achieving something, write it down and post it somewhere you can see it every day. Your list will help you stay on task and bring your thoughts to action.
2. Reach high—set goals that will make you stretch and grow.
3. Prioritize your goals. What are the most important? This helps you focus your energy.
4. Use a website like to get feedback. just added a resolution list to make it easy to set your goals for the year!
5. Celebrate your successes. Once you’ve accomplished something, don’t forget to celebrate when you reach your goal!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Winter Reading Programs for all ages
The children’s winter reading programs is from January 3rd until January 31st. The theme is “Read to a Bingo” and readers are directed to complete one BINGO (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) by reading the type of book or doing the action that is listed in each box. Bingo cards and rules are available by grade level below:
• Grades K-5th
• Grades 6th-8th
• Grades 9th-12th
Or stop in the library to pick up bingo cards today!